
Best Student Project

British Computing Society (September 2021)

BCS Award
BCS Award
My undergraduate final year project was awarded the top 5 Computer Science student projects at University of Sussex.

Above and Beyond Award

Oracle (June 2020)

Oracle Award
Oracle Award
An award for intern that has exceptionally exceeded expectations throughout the placement. Out of 49 interns, there were 6 interns that received awards, including this award.

Certificate of Outstanding Academic Achievement

University of Sussex International Study Centre (January 2018)

This certificate was given by the STEM department of University of Sussex International Study Centre for my outstanding academic achievement across all modules in Semester 1.

Certificate of Merit as a Finalist of The 9th National Young Inventors Award (NYIA) 2016

Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) (September 2016)

NYIA Award
NYIA Award
The certificate was given for my invention, Refrigerator Wings Hanger (Hanger Sayap Kulkas), which now has a copyright issued to it. It was selected to be one of the 50 finalists, out of 868 submissions. I was interviewed by National Geographic Indonesia with regards to this invention.